BSI Financial Services Investigation

BSI Financial Services’ (“BSI”) has reportedly used false advertising and illegal loan servicing practices according to recent customer complaints. It has been reported that BSI does not follow the terms of home loan modifications, and the company has not always been clear when it comes to its policies and regulations. BSI also allegedly refuses to accept payments, which can force homeowners into foreclosure. Furthermore, BSI reportedly uses collections bureau tactics and harassment when dealing with its customers. If you or someone you know has ever been a customer of BSI, there may be grounds for a claim. Please use the form on this page or contact us at 424-245-5505 to see if you are eligible to take part in a class action lawsuit.
Background on Alleged BSI Violations
BSI’s alleged unethical and possibly illegal loan practices include, but are not limited to:
• Putting up houses for auction when all payments have been made
• Trying to repossess cars
• Never giving tax or mortgage statements
• Canceling homeowners’ insurance without notice
• Not answering phone calls or returning messages
• Refusing to accept payments when due
• Using collection practices on its customers
• Harassment customers via letters and phone calls
It has also been reported that BSI falsely promises a clear and easy way of loan modification that complies with governmental regulations. Actually, BSI’s practices allegedly violate such regulations. Further, it is alleged that BSI does not accept multiple payment options, nor does it afford customers a variety of options in their loan modification. For more information on how unfair business practices harm people, click here.
Despite claims that BSI customers will have a single agent to call for any loan payment and solving issues, customers reported often having trouble getting in touch with their agent to get help with problems. Allegations have been reported that there have not been regular statements of balances and payments. Customers have also reported getting terrible customer service and have reportedly been unable to reach anyone at BSI to address their concerns.
BSI allegedly claims that it has an attorney network across the country to help with bankruptcy notifications and filing, and to manage any litigation or eviction process. However, customers have reported that no such help was provided. Further, it is reported that BSI has put houses up for sale even though all payments were made in a timely fashion. BSI is also alleged to have tried to repossess cars and refused to accept timely payments. In terms of keeping track of payments and amounts due, it has been reported that BSI routinely does not issue tax and mortgage statements so customers do not have a clear idea of the amount they owe.
Although BSI reportedly made all of these promises, its customers have complained that BSI has not always been clear about its policies and procedures. There have even been complaints of BSI violating the policies and regulations which apply to loan modifications.
Contact Us To Protect Your Rights
For more information on how class action lawsuits help average people, click here. If you or someone you know has suffered any of the above practices from BSI, you may be part of a class action lawsuit. Please reach out to us and help in this investigation against BSI’s alleged unfair and unlawful practices. Please call us at 424-245-5505.