RushCard Problem Causes Lost Money in Accounts

RushCard Class Action Lawsuit
There have been reports that in October 2015 RushCard users were unable to access their accounts and money was taken from them. The lockout reportedly affected users for up to 12 days. The lockout allegedly prevented cardholders from withdrawing money and left many without the ability to buy essentials such as gas and food for several days. Once the accounts were accessible again, the balances were incorrect and many reported to be missing money from their accounts. If you own a RushCard and were unable to access your account or noticed money missing from your account, please contact us. There is a class action investigation on-going into this matter. Call us today at 424-245-5505 or fill out the form on the website. You could be part of a class action.
RushCard System Experiences Big Problem
In October 2015 RushCard, a prepaid credit card, allegedly experienced a problem in its system causing users to be locked out of their accounts. Reportedly the glitch happened when RushCard transitioned to a new payment system with MasterCard. Due to the failure of the system, RushCard users reported they were ripped off and complained they were unable to access money in their accounts. Many users said they could not buy gas to drive to work or buy medicine for ill family members. Once accounts were accessible again, many complained that their balances were incorrect and deposits were not showing up in their accounts. While the lockout seems to have ended, many people still to have not received a return of the money missing from their accounts.
RushCard Creating Fund to Reimburse Customers
RushCard has announced that it will create a “multimillion dollar” fund to reimburse those who were locked out of their accounts. RushCard reported it will work with the users who were unable to access their funds and any who experienced a late fee, lost a deposit on an apartment, or any similar setback. They say they will make everyone whole again. But that is not what users have actually experienced. There are still many problems. The fund is supposed to receive contributions from RushCard, MasterCard and MetaBank. Russell Simmons, the creator of RushCard, also stated that he had been reimbursing users out of his own pocket. Additionally, RushCard is reportedly waiving all fees until February 2016, which will cause RushCard to take a cut in its profits.
About RushCard
RushCard is a prepaid credit card that allows users to make purchases, pay bills, set up direct deposits, withdraw and deposit money from ATMs. The website also claims there are no credit checks and no overdraft fees. The card is aimed at the working class, claims to have low activation fees and claims to help the user build credit. Russell Simmons created RushCard in 2003. Russell Simmons is a businessman who created a successful music label and several fashion lines.
If you are a RushCard user and were unable to access your account or you noticed that the balance in your account was incorrect you may be part of a class action lawsuit. Please contact us today for a free case by calling 424-245-5505 or fill out the form on this website. Our investigation into this matter is on-going. You may be able to help others who are fighting the same problem.