EOTech Defective Gun Sights Class Action Lawsuit

EOTech Defective Gun Sights Class Action Lawsuit
The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently charged EOTech, a defense contractor and large weapons manufacturer, with lying about the capabilities of equipment sold to federal agencies. The settled lawsuit claimed that military and agency personnel were put in danger by defective holographic weapon sights that did not perform as EOTech claimed they would. In the Department of Justice’s legal action, EOTech was accused of knowingly manufacturing and selling products that would fail under certain conditions. EOTech settled the lawsuit for more than $26 million dollars. Our attorneys are currently working on a class action lawsuit to represent members of the public who have these gun sights. If you or anyone you know has purchased or used holographic, or optic, gun sights made by EOTech, please contact our attorneys immediately using the form on this page or by calling 424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit. For more on how defective products affect people negatively, click here.
Department of Justice Charges
EOTech allegedly knew that it was selling defective weapons sights through contracts with federal agencies. The Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and the FBI were all named in the lawsuit. The lawsuit said that the fraud started as far back as 2004, when the weapons manufacturer won large contracts worth millions to supply the agencies with its products. The company has reportedly taken more than $10 million in taxpayer-funded arrangements.
The defects in the gun sights caused the optics to fail in both cold and humid environments (effective in temperatures -40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit), even though EOTech claimed it tested the sights in accordance with military standards. Our attorneys are investigating whether EOTech sold products to consumers with the same exact defects. The DOJ charges in part said that in sub-zero temperatures the defect in the gun sights distorts the aiming dot within the optic, for every 100 yards aimed, by at least 20 inches. DOJ also charged that EOTech waited more than 9 years to disclose the problem in 2013, when the company thought it had a solution. EOTech pitched the fix as an upgrade, rather than a solution to an already existing problem in the products.
L-3 Communications Corp. is the parent company of EOTech and pockets an estimated $12.6 billion in annual revenue. The company makes training devices, night vision and thermal products, military sights, weapon lights, and magnifiers. In addition to these, the company sells signal intelligence equipment, encryption systems, propulsion systems, satellite communications, electro optics, and many other products. EOTech and its parent also have contracts with a number of police departments and branches of the military. At least one police department has ordered its officers and personnel to immediately cease use of EOTech’s products. One of the country’s largest, the Denver police department, has ordered all official and personal use of the defective gun sights to stop and replacements be installed.
Protect Yourself From Fraud
If you or anyone you know has experienced gun sight failures in cold and/or humid conditions when using EOTech sights, you may be part of a class action. For more information on how class action lawsuits help average people, click here. Find out if you might be part of a class action lawsuit against EOTech by contacting us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505. Protect your safety and hard-earned money from fraudulent practices like EOTech uses.