RUST-OLEUM Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover 2X CLASS ACTION

Rust-Oleum is suspected of falsely marketing and advertising its spray paint called “Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover 2X Gloss Spray.” If you have purchased or used Rust-Oleum spray paint, we are seeking to get your money back. Please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505. The paint says it provides double the coverage in a single pass compared to its competitors, but there is evidence that it does not. The Class Action News is currently investigating this situation
Rust-Oleum spray paint is a brand that is used around the world. Consumers have reported that, even though Rust-Oleum says that its product will provide twice as much coverage as competing spray paints in half the time, it only covers as much as regular spray paint. The National Advertising Division, a group that watches companies who advertise to the public, recommended that Rust-oleum change the spray paint advertising, and stop any advertising that showed the product delivers twice the coverage of other companies’spray paints. This isn’t the first time that Rust-Oleum has had a class action about false advertising of their products. Last year in April, a lawsuit was filed against Rust-oleum for falsely advertising “Restore” products for wooden decks. The National Advertising Division investigated the Painters Touch Ultra Cover 2X Gloss Spray and found that the product only achieved two times the coverage 47 percent of the time against other companies’ samples like CoverMaster and only 51 percent of the time against samples like CoverMaxx spray paints. The National Advertising Division also determined that Rust-oleum’s claim that their “2X’s formulation contains more solids and premium pigments” is almost identical against the visual amounts of solids and pigments in other competitors and thus the claim should also be discontinued.
False Advertising
A product may be marketed or advertised incorrectly if it leads the consumer to believe it is substantially better than a competitor’s product and causes the consumer to purchase the incorrectly advertised product. False advertising of consumer products is unfair to both consumers and close competitors of the company that is advertising. It can cause competitors to lose sales as well as change consumer opinions on the products they are thinking about purchasing. In the Rust-oleum case, if a consumer purchases the spray paint thinking that it gives two times the amount of coverage compared to a competitor, the consumer is likely to buy that product. However, anyone who purchases the product believing the false claims are generally paying a higher price and not getting anything better for the incorrectly advertised product.
Reports indicate that Rust-Oleum has incorrectly advertised its product “Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover 2x Gloss Spray.” If you have purchased or used Rust-Oleum’s surface and color protectant product , please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit. ______________________________________________________________________________
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