Environmental Class Action Lawsuits

Violations of environmental law can affect people harmfully. Pollutants can have a negative impact on health and unregulated extraction of natural resources can create a dangerous environment for everyone. If you have suffered from pollutants, toxic waste, or hazardous materials, then it may have been caused by a breach of environmental laws. Please contact us using the form on this page or call us at
424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit.

What is Environmental Law?
Environmental law is the field of law that governs the environmental issues of human activity on the natural environment. The term can be used to encompass all the treaties, statutes, and other laws that have been adopted to regulate humankind’s environmental impact. Some of the subjects regulated by environmental law include:

  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Air and water quality
  • Waste management
  • Containment cleanup
  • Chemical safety
  • Water, mineral, and forest resources
  • Wildlife and plants
  • Fish and game

Conservation of the environment is only one aspect of environmental law. Conservation focuses on the preservation of land in its natural state. The other important aspect of environmental law is maintaining a safe environment for people to inhabit and use. The need for environmental laws became apparent in the 1960’s. It was then that the effects of unchecked and rapid industrialization were felt. Air pollution, waste runoff, toxic waste, and hazardous materials can have negative health effects on entire cities full of people.

In some cases the number of birth defects in newborn infants skyrocketed. In addition to the dangers to individual persons, environmental law violations can cause damage to property. Deforestation and rock blasting during mining can result in acres of loose topsoil which can cause landslides. Improper handling or storage of toxic waste can result in leakage onto a person’s land.

How Does This Affect Me?
A violation of environmental laws usually means that many people have been exposed to potentially dangerous conditions. And with the cumulative effects of pollutants the danger may not become apparent for years to come. It is important that breaches of environmental law are found early so steps can be taken to correct any harmful effects. Because environmental law violations tend to affect many people, it may be easier and more effective for all the victims to bring a lawsuit together. Class action lawsuits can be less burdensome for victims and can provide relief to the affected people all at once.

Potential Environmental Class Action Lawsuit
A breach of environmental law can create dangerous situations for travelers, residents, employees, or anyone else involved. These laws were created not just to protect the environment, but also to protect people from unsafe or toxic environments. A class action lawsuit can help to provide relief to those affected by an environmental law violation. If you have suffered from pollutants, toxic waste, or hazardous materials, then it may have been caused by a breach of environmental laws.

Please contact us using the form on this page or call us at  424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit.

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