Banner Thunderbird Medical Center Lawsuit

Banner Thunderbird Medical Center Lawsuit Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, Arizona has allegedly put nearly 1,400 patients in danger by hiring a surgical technologist who may have exposed them to HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, according to the hospital. If you have received a letter from Banner Thunderbird Medical Center telling you to get testing, contact us for your free legal evaluation.
We are accepting cases and you don’t have to pay any lawyer fees. Contact us : fill out the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505.
The surgical technician at the center of the investigation is Rocky Allen who worked at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, Ariz., for about six weeks in 2014. Surgery patients during the times Allen was employed there should seek medical attention and consult with an attorney. It is reported that about 1,400 Banner Thunderbird patients have been offered tests. Background of How It Happened According to federal prosecutors, Rocky Allen was one of Swedish Hospital’s surgical workers and was working in the Englewood hospital from August 2015 through January 2016. While working there he was suspected of exposing patients to contaminated needles or other operating room materials. While at Swedish Hospital, Rocky Allen, who has since been indicted on two federal laws that say he was caught stealing a syringe filled with fentanyl from an operating room, was tested for fentanyl in his blood and it was positive. Patients should be tested and the testing will need to be on-going, according to Swedish Hospital. However, patients have legal rights and should seek legal advice. Our lawyers are standing by to help victims of this violation. On February 16, 2016, a federal grand jury indicted Allen on charges of tampering with a consumer product and obtaining a controlled substance by deceit.
If you or a someone you know has been a surgery patient at any of these hospitals during those times when Allen worked there, please contact us: fill out the form or call 424-245-5505
Swedish Hospital May Have Known About the Risks of Surgery Worker Court records show that Swedish may have known when they hired the surgical worker responsible for the contamination of patients that he had been fired from four other hospitals and also had been court-martialed in 2011, when he was serving with the Navy in Afghanistan, for the theft of fentanyl. Courtroom evidence through testimony showed that Allen is carrying an undisclosed bloodborne pathogen. It’s reported that by August 2015 when surgical worker Allen was hired, the red flags were there: he had been fired from several other hospitals for the exact same conduct that he has done at Swedish Hospital and exposed them to an increased risk of bloodborne pathogens. Some of the claims victims have in their lawsuits would include the hospital’s negligent hiring of Allen, the negligent infliction of emotional distress and failure to properly supervise Allen after hiring him. Testing Will Be Mandatory Many people have had testing, but many are told that despite the test results, they remain at risk and should pursue continued blood testing, according to reports. Victims were placed at an increased risk of these bloodborne pathogens because former surgical technician, Allen, was diverting drugs and exchanging needles prepared for surgical patients. Despite Allen’s well-documented drug addiction and unstable history and employment history, Swedish Hospital hired him as a surgical technician where his activities exposed approximately 3,000 patients to bloodborne pathogens. Victims have been, and will need to continue to be, tested for these potentially deadly viruses. Allen’s Prior Hospital Employment Allen’s prior hospital employment (and termination) includes Northwest Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle in March 2012 after working there for less than three months. A representative for Northwest confirmed Allen was employed there but did not comment further. The Denver Post has reported that Allen had worked briefly for two Arizona hospitals and was fired from one of them, HonorHealth John C. Lincoln Hospital in Phoenix, in October 2014. Court records show he tested positive for fentanyl while working there as a surgical attendant. Swedish Hospital’s parent companies are Hospital Corp. of America and HealthONE of Denver Inc.
If you or a someone you know has been a surgery patient at any of these hospitals during those times when Allen worked there, please contact us 424-245-5505