Airline Checked Bags Fee Refund Investigation

Every year, airlines are collecting billions of dollars in bag fees. With all the bags the airlines are collecting fees for, not everyone is getting their bags delivered on time, and in some cases not at all. If you pay for a service of baggage delivery, you should expect to receive that service in a timely manner or to receive your money back.  To make a claim for your baggage fees in our investigation, please call us 424-245-5505 or fill out the form on this page.

Different airlines have different policies on how they handle delayed baggage refunds. Some offer refunds and some don’t. Timely can mean different things to different people and the DOT is reconsidering the amount of time that a bag may be “too late”. They may be shortening that amount of time.

Please contact our attorneys for a case evaluation. If you’ve  traveled with an airline and had your luggage delayed after paying a fee, this may apply to you.

If you or someone you know has shared this experience, don’t let the airlines win, please CONTACT US TO FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE A CLAIM by filling out the form on this page or calling 424-245-5505. If we don’t win, you don’t pay any fees.

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