Office of Personnel Management Data Breach

It has been reported that hackers have been able to gain access into the federal Office of Personnel Management database, and have reportedly stolen names and addresses, along with other personal information. The alleged number of people affected by the breach may be as many as 22 million, with over 4 million being current and former government employees. If you or anyone you know has worked for or currently works for the U.S. government, then your personal information may have been stolen. An investigation into this matter is ongoing. Please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit.
Background of OPM Data Breach
The federal Office of Personnel Management, or OPM, is a large federal agency that handles personal information for many different groups of people. It manages federal job announcement postings at Because of its control of the U.S. government’s official hiring website, the agency conducts background investigations for hundreds of thousands of prospective employees and security clearances across the whole government. The OPM manages health and other insurance programs as well as pension benefits for retired federal employees and their families. Federal officials have reportedly called this database breach the most devastating cyber attack in the country’s history, and a more significant threat to American security than the attacks of September 11th.
OPM Data Breach
A data breach occurs when a person who does not have permission to access certain information of another, is able to view or access that information. For more information on how hackers can access your private data, click here. A well-known type of data breach occurs when hackers are able to hack into computer systems and target personal information, for example.
The Office of Personnel Management first reported in early June of this year that it had confirmed a breach by suspected hackers that may have already been going on for a year. Officials are reportedly very worried about the theft of forms known as SF-86s that current and potential federal workers, even certain military personnel and contractors, submit for security clearances. The forms require people to provide personal information not only about themselves but also about relatives, friends, associates and foreign contacts spanning several years. The forms also ask about past drug use, financial history, mental health history and personal relationships.
It is reported that the hackers may have used information stolen last year from KeyPoint Government Solutions which is a private government contract. The hackers are suspected of extracting electronic credentials or other information from within KeyPoint’s systems and then using the information to unlock the government agency’s systems.
Please Contact Us
If you or anyone you know has applied for a job through the government’s job website, or if you or anyone you know works or has worked for the federal government, then you may be part of a class action lawsuit. Please contact us at (213) 217-5019.