This case is about the Motion Picture Industry Health and Pension Plan data breach class action investigation. On March 31, 2022, patients’ personal information including the names, last known addresses, hours worked, last four digits of social security numbers, and recent dates of health plan eligibility were disclosed in a USPS mailing incident. If you were a member at Motion Picture Industry Health and Pension Plan and you were notified of the data breach, please contact us by calling or filing out the form on this page. You may be eligible for more than just the credit monitoring Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plan is offering.
What Happened?
Motion Picture Health and Pension Plan said, “On April 4, 2022, MPIHP discovered that on March 31, 2022, it mistakenly sent, via the United States Postal Service, certain protected personal information about a limited number of MPIHP participants to other MPIHP participants.”
Contact us for the Motion Picture Industry Health and Pension Plan data breach class action investigation. If you were a patient who was notified of the data breach or even if you have not yet been notified, contact us for the investigation.
What Information was Involved?
If you were a member who was notified of the data breach or even if you have not yet been notified, contact us for the investigation. The names, last known addresses, hours worked, last four digits of social security numbers, and recent dates of health plan eligibility were disclosed. This is important information that a court can help you protect.
Please Contact Us – You Have Limited Time
If you have been affected by the data breach, please contact us as soon as time permits to join the investigation. An investigation has begun to hold Motion Picture Health and Pension Plan responsible for the data breach. It was allegedly avoidable and Motion Picture Health and Pension Plan has allowed others to gain access to members’ information.