L’Oreal Make Up and Hair False Advertising

If you bought L’Oreal, you paid extra for a luxury “Paris” product that is actually made in Arkansas. If you bought L’Oreal make up or hair products and you want to be part of our class action investigation, please fill out the form on this page.
We are tired of companies over charging for products that trick us into believing they are more expensive. Especially because they are from Europe, France and Paris. L’Oreal’s make up and shampoo and conditioners are made in Arkansas. Not Paris!
Don’t let the big companies take your money and trick hard working people into believing they are more expensive because they are from Paris, France. They are made in Arkansas but they don’t tell you that. They want you to believe they are fancy imported luxury goods so they can charge higher prices.
We are investigating a class action to stop the company from deceiving Americans into believing they are worth more. Please join us by filling out the form on this page or calling and leaving a voice mail at the number above.