MacBook Pro Class Action

Do you own a 2011 MacBook Pro? You may be entitled to a large monetary compensation

Fill out the short form to your right to see if you qualify today.

mac-2011-rightApple’s MacBook Pro 2011 has a defective part that makes the screen have lines, rows or unusual images.  The screen can also display  unusual text or graphics that are out of place. It can make the computer useless and is caused by a part that Apple should have known is broken.  The graphics card is said to be part of the problem

PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM ON THIS PAGE OR CALL 424-245-5505 if you own a MacBook Pro 2011 laptop.

Apple’s Defective Graphics Processing Unit and Integrated Graphics Card

Class action litigation is pending against Apple Computers arising from defects with Graphics Processing Units and integrated graphics cards. Affected computers include the 2011 line of Macbook pro laptops, priced between $1,100 and $3,000 on average. Defects in the graphics processing units and cards cause the laptops to malfunction, breaking the computer screen and causing freezes and crashes. Laptops may be rendered useless. Plaintiffs seek compensation for losses.

The models listed below have been reported to have failures:

13″ Core i5 2.3 GHz (MC700LL/A)

13″ Core i7 2.7 GHz (MC724LL/A)

15″ Core i7 2.0 GHz (MC721LL/A)

15″ Core i7 2.2 GHz (MC723LL/A)

17″ Core i7 2.2 GHz (MC725LL/A)

Late 2011: 13″ Core i5 2.4 GHz (MD313LL/A)

Late 2011: 13″ Core i7 2.8 GHz (MD314LL/A)

Late 2011: 15″ Core i7 2.2 GHz (MD318LL/A)

Late 2011: 15″ Core i7 2.4 GHz (MD322LL/A)

Late 2011: 17″ Core i7 2.4 GHz (MD311LL/A)

If you have an Apple MacBook Pro 2011, you may be entitled to relief. Please contact our attorneys if you have any questions or concerns regarding this investigation.

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