Selsun Blue Naturals Class Action

Many consumer products market and advertise in a way that is not straight forward or altogether true. Consumers pay the price for a product they think is truly going to meet their needs and they spend their hard earned money on things that turn out to be junk. If you want your case evaluated, fill out the form on this page or call 424-245-5505.
We are investigating labeling on products that people buy every day. Specifically, products that people buy at most grocery or retail shops and that do not meet what they say they are. Many times they say things that are just not true at all. Even though it seems like a small item and doesn’t matter because it doesn’t cost much, when all the products are added up, the company makes a lot of money by ripping people off.
One of the companies that are reportedly making statements that are not true is Selsun Blue Naturals. If you have purchased any Selsun Blue Naturals products, we are seeking to get your money back. Please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505.
The Class Action News is currently investigating this case.
False Advertising
A product may be marketed or advertised incorrectly if it leads the consumer to believe it is substantially better than a competitor’s product and causes the consumer to purchase the incorrectly advertised product. False advertising of consumer products is unfair to both consumers and close competitors of the company that is falsely advertising. It can cause competitors to lose sales as well as change consumer opinions on the products they are thinking about purchasing.
Reports indicate that Torani Vanilla Syrup has incorrectly advertised its product. If you have purchased Torani products, please contact us using the form on this page or call us at 424-245-5505. You may be part of a class action lawsuit.
Attorney Advertising