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STATE LAWS VARY and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, lawyers are licensed to practice law only within the state of California but we affiliate or form relationships with lawyers throughout the United and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, may refer prospective clients to other law firms located throughout the country, who form relationships with and/or the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, and who are experienced in handling such and/or the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, may also undertake legal representation in certain cases, and will affiliate with other legal counsel located throughout the country to provide legal representation.

The laws of each State are different. This web site contains information about general or common rules that apply in some states. This web site also contains information about verdicts or settlements in past cases. You cannot assume that the same rules apply, or that the same result would occur, in your state or any particular state.

The Statute of Limitations is especially important. Every state has laws called the “statute of limitations” which set a deadline to file a lawsuit. That means that a lawsuit filed too late may be thrown out, regardless of the defendant’s fault or the severity of the injuries. Some states have a two-year period for negligence injury claims; the time period in other states may be longer or shorter. Insurance policies, particularly homeowners insurance, may require that suit be filed within one year of a loss. Some states allow claims against government agencies, but require a written notice very soon after the accident, perhaps within three months. Because investigation and research is needed to identify all possible defendants and theories of recovery, if you have an accident or injury, you should consult a lawyer as soon as possible.

LEGAL AND ETHICAL REQUIREMENTS and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, have tried to comply with all legal and ethical requirements in compiling this website. We welcome comments about our compliance with the applicable rules and will update the site as warranted, upon learning of any new or different requirements. We only want to represent clients based on their review of this website, if it complies with all legal or ethical requirements.

To the extent that the professional responsibility rules of any jurisdiction require us to designate a principal office or an attorney responsible for this website, and Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC P, designate their office in San Pedro, CA(USA).

Because some material on this website constitutes lawyer advertising, and this web site may be viewed from anywhere in the United States, particular disclosures are required by the rules of some states. and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, adopt and make the following disclosures:

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Colorado does not certify attorneys as specialists in any field.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.

The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. This disclosure is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

Memberships and offices in legal fraternities and legal societies, technical and professional licenses, and memberships in scientific, technical and professional associations and societies of law or field of practice do not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert in a field of law, nor do they mean that such a lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than any other lawyer. All potential clients are urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any lawyer being considered. This notice is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.


The Mississippi Supreme Court advises that a decision on legal services is important and should not be based solely on advertisements.

Neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations.

The State Bar of Nevada does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert.

ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT — NOT A REFERRAL SERVICE. Before making your choice of an attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. The selection of an attorney is an important decision.


ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Cases may be referred to other lawyers.

None of the attorneys in this firm are certified as a Civil Trial, Criminal Trial, Business Bankruptcy, Consumer Bankruptcy, Creditor’s Rights, Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice, Accounting Malpractice, Estate Planning or Elder Law specialist by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization. Certification as a specialist in all other listed areas is not currently available in Tennessee.

Unless otherwise stated, our attorneys claiming certification in an area of law are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer’s credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise.

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, USA, without regard to any choice of law principles. Disputes arising hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state courts of California.

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Modification of AAA Rules

In order to make the arbitration most convenient to you, Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC and agrees that any required arbitration hearing may be conducted, at your option: (a) in the U.S. county where you reside; (b) in Los Angeles County; (c) via phone or video conference. If the amount in controversy is $5,000 or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.  Additionally:

  1. The number of arbitrators shall be one (1), to be appointed by mutual agreement of the parties. If the parties fail to agree on the appointment of the sole arbitrator, a panel of three (3) arbitrators shall be formed. Each party shall appoint one (1) arbitrator and such party-appointed arbitrator shall jointly designate the presiding arbitrator. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, one shall only be eligible for nomination as the presiding arbitrator if he/she has extensive familiarity with the laws of the California and has experience in the class action practice.
  2. The parties grant the arbitrator(s) jurisdiction to rule on the arbitrability of the dispute and on repose, statute of limitations or any other time-barrier raised by either party.
  3. The arbitral award shall indicate a time-limit for voluntary compliance by the defaulting party, and shall set a daily fee and post-award interests to accrue thereafter against the non-compliant party.
  4. Either party may seek interim, conservatory, security and emergency measures of protection, and injunctive relief in any court of competent jurisdiction in support of arbitration (urgent relief). For the purposes of this provision, the parties hereby consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the United States District Court for California, USA or the Courts of the State of California, County of Los Angeles. THE PARTIES WAIVE THE RIGHT OF JURY TRIAL, IF APPLICABLE; AND FURTHER WAIVE ANY RIGHT THAT IT MAY HAVE TO ASSERT THE DEFENSE OF FORUM NON-CONVENIENS IN ANY SUCH SUIT IN SUPPORT OF ARBITRATION.
  5. The costs, fees and expenses (including without limitation expenses incurred with legal representation and compensation of the arbitrator(s)) shall be apportioned between the parties in accordance with prevailing party / defaulting party ratio, and shall be reimbursed by the defaulting party to the prevailing party after set off.
  6. Federal and State Courts in Los Angeles County, California. Except to the extent that arbitration is required in the previous section(s), and except as to the enforcement of any arbitration decision or award, any action or proceeding relating to any Dispute may only be instituted in state or federal court in Los Angeles County, California. Accordingly, you and and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC, consent to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts for such matters.


If Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC changes the Arbitration or Modification sections immediately preceding this Change section, after the date you last accepted these Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Terms), you may reject that change by sending us written notice (including by email) within 30 days of the date the change is effective. Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC or (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC or


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Suboxone Lawsuit Sign Up



This Retainer Agreement (the “Agreement”) is between (the “Client”), the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA and the Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy, APC (“Attorneys”) for legal services relating to use of Suboxone which caused dental damage (the “Matter”) and is valid only if signed by Client and a representative of Attorneys. Client and Attorneys (the “Parties”) understand and agree as follows:


The legal services provided by Attorneys are consultation and investigation and, potentially, litigation of claims Client may have in the Matter. Attorneys’ investigation of this matter may include witness interviews, research, and technical analysis.

Attorneys shall represent Client only in connection with this Matter, and not any counterclaim, individual claim, or appeal, whether related or not to this Matter, except as expressly stated in this Agreement. Under this Agreement, Attorneys agree to represent Client, personally, and not any other individual or entity related to Client. Attorneys’ services do not include tax advice, and Client is urged to seek independent tax advice.

Should Attorneys file a lawsuit on your behalf in this Matter, the lawsuit may be part of a multi-district litigation.

Litigation is, by its nature, uncertain, and Attorneys do not guarantee a particular outcome of any litigation related to the Matter.


 Client recognizes that Attorneys must have certain information from Client to determine whether or not Client has a claim.  Client understands that if a lawsuit is not filed prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations, Client will lose the right to make a claim and can be forever barred from bringing a lawsuit.  By signing this agreement, Client recognizes that their statute of limitations may have already expired and, if it has not, each day that passes brings us closer to the expiration of the statute of limitations.  In cases where a Client’s claim arises out of or relates to the use of a pharmaceutical product or medical device, Client agree and understand that the Firm will not be able to file a lawsuit on Client’s behalf or take any action to insure that the time in which to file a claim does not expire until Client have provided (1) medical records establishing their alleged injury and (2) proof that Client used the product that Client alleges caused their alleged injury.  Client also understands it will take the Firm a minimum of ninety (90) days after the receipt of such information to evaluate our case, and that should the statute of limitations or any other applicable deadlines including, but not limited to class registration deadlines expire prior to or during that ninety-day period, Client agrees not to hold the Firm and (or their associate counsel) responsible for any consequence related to the expiration of that deadline.


Client agrees to cooperate fully with Attorneys and the court in the investigation and in any litigation of this matter—including by providing complete and accurate information that is related to the Matter and within Client’s knowledge, possession, or control.

Client shall follow Attorneys’ instructions to retain, preserve, and provide us all materials that may constitute evidence in this matter, including copies of documents, and shall cooperate with Attorneys in obtaining copies of relevant dental or medical records.. Client shall not dispose of relevant evidence such as prescription boxes, receipts, treatment billing or medical/dental records without first consulting Attorneys.

Client shall be available to communicate with Attorneys on reasonable notice and shall keep Attorneys apprised of Client’s current street address, telephone number, and email address.

Client shall cooperate fully with the court in any litigation of this matter, including by being available to appear at and testify in deposition or court if called upon to do so.


Client shall not be obligated to pay any of Attorneys’ fees or costs except out of recovery Attorneys secure on behalf of Client in the Matter.

Recovery may be obtained through resolution of the matter by settlement, judgment, or otherwise. Further, resolution of this Matter may include or consist of non-monetary relief, such as an agreement by a defendant to modify its business practices..

Attorneys’ fees are not fixed by law and are negotiable.

Although determination of an award is in the court’s discretion, the Parties agree that a fair award of attorneys’ fees would be 40% of the total recovery plus reimbursement of all costs and expenses with interest.  The Attorneys’ fees shall be shared as follows: Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA shall receive 50% and The Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy APC shall receive 50%. The fee set forth in this Agreement is not set by law. Attorneys’ compensation will not exceed any limits on compensation imposed by law.

Costs are not deducted from any recovery before calculating the amount of Attorneys’ fees. Costs include, but may not be limited to, filing fees, expert fees, long distance telephone charges, facsimile charges, messenger service fees, photocopy expenses, investigation costs, process server fees, deposition costs, transcripts, database and document management costs, co-counsel fees and travel expenses.

If possible, Attorneys shall obtain reimbursement of costs from defendant. If that is not possible, the Parties agree that any reasonable costs incurred by Attorneys in investigating, filing, or prosecuting a lawsuit that are not paid for by the defendant shall be repaid with any funds from any settlement or judgment that are awarded to Client.

5. AWARD OF MONETARY SANCTIONS. Sanctions are punitive measures. They are payments that a court orders a party to make, to compensate for extraordinary time spent by the other party’s attorneys compelling the opposing side to do that which they are required to do, but have failed to do. Any sanction award ordered by the court belongs to Attorneys as compensation for such extraordinary time and is not considered a part of the recovery made on behalf of Client. If such an award includes a cost item, such as a filing fee, such costs items shall be credited to Client’s account upon payment thereof.


Client understands that a defendant may make a settlement offer that is favorable to plaintiff but that is contingent on Attorneys’ receiving reduced fees or no fees at all. However, the Parties agree that this contingency fee Agreement is expressly premised on the assumption that Attorneys have a right to attempt to recover attorneys’ fees under fee-shifting laws that provide an attorneys’ fees award if Client prevails. CLIENT HEREBY AGREES TO ASSIGN TO ATTORNEYS ALL RIGHTS THAT CLIENT HAS TO APPLY FOR AND COLLECT ANY ATTORNEYS’ FEES.

Client hereby grants Attorneys a lien on any claims or causes of action that are the subject of Attorneys’ representation under this agreement. The lien to Attorneys shall be for any sums owing to Attorneys for any unpaid costs or attorneys’ fees at the conclusion of Attorneys’ services. The lien shall attach to any recovery Client may obtain, whether by arbitration award, judgment, settlement or otherwise. The effect of such a lien is that Attorneys may be able to compel payment of attorneys’ fees and/or costs from any funds recovered on behalf of Client even if Attorneys has been discharged before the end of the case.


Attorneys shall choose the appropriate jurisdiction in which to file suit, including where Attorneys may be permitted by the court to appear in association with local counsel, even if Attorneys are not admitted to the bar in that jurisdiction.

In addition, Attorneys may, in their sole discretion, associate with and employ other attorneys to assist in the representation of Client. Attorneys reserve the right to allocate Attorneys’ fees among associated or employed attorneys according to Attorneys’ valuation of (i) relative contribution to representation of the claims, and/or (ii) relative sums of each firm’s lodestars (i.e., the total hours spent times the hourly rate of each attorney working on the claims).


Attorneys shall obtain Client’s approval before entering into a settlement.

If Attorneys recommend acceptance of a settlement offer, Client shall seriously consider the offer before making a decision to accept or reject it.

Client appoints Attorneys as Client’s attorney-in-fact to execute any and all settlements, drafts, and checks that Client could properly execute, so as to receive in Client’s name, any monies payable to Client; and Client authorizes Attorneys to deposit same in Attorneys’ trust account.


Client may terminate this Agreement at any time. (However, Attorneys still retain the lien on attorneys’ fees discussed in section 4, above.) 

If Attorneys file a lawsuit on behalf of Client, they shall represent Client in the lawsuit until a settlement or judgment is reached or until this Agreement is otherwise terminated.

If Attorneys determine, in their sole discretion, that the subject of potential litigation of the Matter has been adequately resolved, that the Matter is not suitable for litigation, or that the filing of a lawsuit is not suitable for any reason, Attorneys may not file a lawsuit and shall notify Client of that determination.

If Attorneys, in their sole discretion, identify circumstances that: (i) present risk of liability or ethical conflict if Attorneys were to continue representing Client; or (ii) could diminish Client’s fitness or effectiveness as plaintiff, Attorneys may elect not to pursue litigation

10. DISPUTES ARE TO BE ARBITRATED. In the event of any dispute or any claim arising out of the representation of Client by Attorneys, such dispute shall be resolved by binding arbitration in front of an arbitrator selected from the panel of arbitrators at J.A.M.S. in Los Angeles, California. This includes any fee dispute, and any claim for breach of contract, negligence, malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty or other wrongdoing. If an arbitrator cannot be agreed upon within 30 days of a demand for arbitration, J.A.M.S. shall assign an arbitrator from its panel.


client initials

  1. INSURANCE. Attorneys’ firm maintains professional liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance coverage.
  2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes and replaces any other oral or written agreements. It may only be modified in writing.
  3. COUNTERPARTS, COPIES. This agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which, taken together, shall be deemed an original. Electronic images of this agreement may be used instead of originals for any purposes.
  4. NOTICES. Notices of one Party to another under this Agreement may be communicated via e-mail, to the e-mail addresses given with the Parties’ signatures, below.
  5. BENEFICIARIES. This agreement is meant to bind and benefit the heirs and successors of each of the parties to this agreement and, for Attorneys’ part, a designated assignee.





March 23, 2025




Phone Number



Street Address, City, State, Zip Code



Have you taken SUBOXONE more than 6 months?   

Have you ever taken another similar drug such as Zubsolz, Belbuca or Subutex?

If yes, state the name of the other drug here                      

How long have you used SUBOXONE?    (number of months and years, for example 5 years and 6 months)

How many times a day do you currently take SUBOXONE?  

If you used to take SUBOXONE more frequently than you do now, state the number of times per day you used to take it  

Did you first begin using Suboxone because you were trying to stop using opioids or only because of pain management?  (opioids or pain)

When did you start taking Suboxone?                          (month and year)

Have you stopped taking Suboxone?  

If you have stopped taking Suboxone, what date did you stop?

How many teeth have been lost, cracked, damaged, deteriorated, crumbled or otherwise compromised?  

What dental damage have you suffered after taking Suboxone?

Tooth loss  

Tooth cracking  

Tooth cavity  

Tooth erosion  

Tooth crumbling  

How often did you visit the dentist before taking Suboxone?                 (number of times per year)

Please provide your dentists’ information including the name, address and phone number of your dentist(s) who can provide records before using Suboxone and after damage started on your teeth.  List all applicable dentists.


Dentist name  

Dentist address  

 Dentist phone number  



Dentist name  

Dentist address  

 Dentist phone number  


 Dentist name  

Dentist address  

Dentist phone number  


TO: All Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Hospices, Hospitals (including V.A. and Government Hospitals), Pharmacies and the Custodian of Records and Accounting  Departments  of any of these facilities including:



SECTION A: Party Authorized to Receive Disclosed/Released Medical Documentation:

Please be advised that any member, associate or designee of Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy is authorized to inspect, copy, or be furnished all material or information subject to this Authorization and Release of Medical Documentation for the purposes of researching, litigating, negotiating or settling  any claim or cause of action on my behalf. Following the release of records, I have a right to inspect the disclosed information. A photocopy  of this Authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.

Date(s) of records to be released: _______________________

SECTION B: General Authorization for Disclosure/Release of Medical Documentation:

By signing this document, I hereby voluntarily and expressly authorize the use, copy, inspection, and/or disclosure of my dental or medical records (the term medical also includes dental), including, but not limited to:

  • All medical and dental material records, all third-party medical records, all medication/ pharmacy records, all films, scans, photos and video tapes, all pathology/cytology records, all dentists, doctors/nurses handwritten notes, all admission/discharge records, all laboratory and test results, all radiology records, all autopsy records, all billing records, all third party billing records, all VA records, all insurance records, all workers' compensation records, Social Security records, Medicare & Medicaid records, all employment records, all payroll records and all demographic information

SECTION C: Specific Authorization for Disclosure /Release of Dental or Medical Documentation:

By signing this document, I hereby voluntarily and specifically request the use, copy, inspection and/or disclosure of personal health care information including disclosure of:


 SECTION D: Expiration, Revocation and Possible Re-Disclosure:

This authorization is continuing in nature and is to be supplemented as to all information learned or determined after the date of the signature below. Treatment, payment, participation or enrollment was not contingent on signing this authorization. This authorization shall expire two (2) years from the date of the  signature  below  and  is subject to revocation in writing at any time; with the exception and to the extent that disclosure of information has already occurred prior to the receipt of revocation by the above-named providers. To initiate revocation of this  authorization, all correspondence will be directed to the specific provider named above. Although the firm receiving documentation pursuant to this authorization may only use or disclose health information for the purposes required by law, regulations, or as reasonable necessary to effectuate the purposes of the authorization, the information may be subject to re-disclosure and the referenced HIPAA privacy rules may not apply in those circumstances.

Printed Name of Patient  

Signature of Patient or personal Representative 


Date of Birth of Patient  

Maiden  Name/Former/Alias of Patient  

Social Security Number of Patient  

By signing this document you agree to the terms of the RETAINER AGREEMENT; that the questionnaire is accurate and you authorize release of your Medical Records pursuant to the attached Authorization and Release of Medical Documentation.



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Document name: Suboxone Lawsuit Sign Up
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Timestamp Audit
October 18, 2022 9:22 pm PDTSuboxone Lawsuit Sign Up Uploaded by Law Offices of Jennifer Duffy - [email protected] IP 2603:8000:7301:e00c:d63:2632:61d3:78d1